Sunday, October 11, 2009

Thank you!

Hanna Sköld, Director

This is so amazing, so many emotions! It´s difficult to find the right words... All of us who worked with Nasty Old People is deeply touched and thrilled by all the kind words and support from you guys, from all over the world!

A million thanks to all of you who seed and donate, and to the Pirate Bay!

Today, once again, I found out that when you do what you believe in - amazing things can happen! Keep seeding and spread the word!

With love,


  1. Trailer looks great, i'll download it tonight. Not that I'll be the one to do it, but just asking: Will you make an audiotrack of the movie available without voices so people who have that kind of equipment can make [german, english, etc] synchros of the movie?

  2. Dear Nasty Old People, a suggestion: I believe your fans will be more motivated to pay, if you let them know how much money has been sent so far, vs your goals, that is covering the expenses for this movie and also hopefully financing the next one. Visualize the situation in some fashion that is easy to understand, so that people can see that they are making a difference.

    Thank you for this great little movie!

  3. Watched the film this morning, it was really great thanks loads for using TPB creative commons and just believing in peoples real appreciation for good film and art
    a really interesting story as well very original and refreshingly fearless in the neo nazi portrayel i was drawn in =)
    some very good acting aswell congrats
    and i'm donating you deserve it!

  4. Underbar film! Som student har jag dock tyvärr inte råd att donera något för tillfället, men så fort jag får råd kommer jag definitivt att skänka en slant. Det är ni definitivt värda! :)
    Som någon sa tidigare vore det kul om man fick se hur mycket som donerats hittills, och hur mycket pengar ni behöver för att täcka kostnaderna för produktionen. På så vis kan folk fortsätta donera tills produktionskostnaderna är täckta.

  5. Har donerat trots att jag är student. Det fina med att släppa den fritt är att man kan donera efter vad man har råd med och tycker den var värd. Något har man alltid råd med! Tycker du en film är dålig så donera en krona och visa att de borde göra ett bättre jobb...

    Tyckte det var ett riktigt bra initiativ och har donerat därefter, sen skadar det ju inte att filmen var bra också:D

  6. Guys, great thank you for this.
    Just watched the movie - coulnd't expect so high quality in story and production. Hope you have enough love remains. Will give a copy to all my friends.
    Now I'm going to paypal my tickets :)
    Certainly worth to watch, a very remarkable happening!

  7. I like all the actors. The "churchyard at night" scene was complete garbage. Too many close-ups!

  8. Great movie and nice work from the actors.

    5 stars!!

    Greetings from Portugal.

    Bruno Santos

  9. Thank you--- I very much enjoyed the film. Congratulations and best of luck with future efforts.

  10. Just watched the movie, and HAD to donate five bucks. Would donate more, but I'm poor, lol. The movie was GREAT.

  11. will this movie become available on DVD?

  12. A Thousand thanks for all your kind words! And also for the critic, I bring it with me to the next feature!

    Now to the questions! DVD: we´re working on the dvd-question, to find a good solution. Maybe we can make an iso which you can burn yourself? That way we save both the environment and money.

    About an audio track without voices: There are no planes for this right now, but of course this is a possibility! Let’s get back to you on that!

    About the donations: We´re working on some graphics which will show how much is donated, but for now I can tell you that we so far received about 7000 SEK (700 EUR) (1000 USD), which is amazing!

    Thank you so very much!!

    /Hanna Sköld

  13. Hey! the article on Digg just made the frontpage! I hope it brings more followers...

    I'll translate the subtitles into Spanish and send them back to you :) It would be great if you could upload a DVD image or even a high definition .mkv file to TPB so it could be projected in a bigger screen!

  14. Just donated 25,- EUR to show my support. I really liked this movie and would like to see more coming from you :)
    Also, I definitely second Martin Vives' request for an 1080p x264-encoded MKV file with chapters and the English subtitles embedded, if currently creating a whole DVD would be too time-consuming. As people translate them into more languages (I'd personally like a German translation and would do it myself, but free time constraints don't permit me, presently), you should offer them as separate torrents.
    I realize I'm coming of as a bit demanding here, but I honestly think it would make this movie even more popular!

  15. You are an awsome director/producer, don't give it up. I'm looking forward for more films ;)

  16. And would be nice to see this movie in IMDb...

  17. Anonymous, we're working on the IMDB entry!

  18. I just watched the movie. And I loved it!
    I used to work with home care service and I really like how the old people were portrayed, I've known them all it feels like. However I personally were more fond of the sweet old ladies than the nasty old people.
    I'll donate what a cinema ticket would cost.

  19. Awsome movie!
    Easily matches most commersially produced films in Sweden, or even beats most of them. Great job Hanna, and the rest of your crew! I'll go doing my part in promoting and spreading it.

    Beside that, I strongly support this alternate channel of release.

  20. Fan vad jag tycker det här är häftigt. Bra gjort! Laddar ner filmen just nu och ska se den i morgon. Äntligen en svensk film som verkar intressant; något annat än samma jävla Wallander som man sett femtioelva gånger. Grymt initiativ, tänk om andra hade samma driv som er :)

    Hoppas ni får tillbaka finansiellt på det här också så att vi får se fler filmer i framtiden. Ska definitivt slänga in några hundra vid löningen!

  21. Hej å tack för en bra film, har donerat en hundra peng. V.H Johan
