Me and Andrea at Tangram Film will do this project together with Helene at Good World, Bobbi and Karin at Ozma gamedesign, Anna at Kore productions and Richie and Erling at Medea – the research institute of Malmö University, who also helped to get Nasty up on The Pirate Bay -I will soon give you an introduction of this wonderful team! And of course – hopefully – together with many more people and not at least all of YOU in some way or another, cause this project will be all about interaction and collaboration.
I am so amazed by all the fantastic work you have done, spreading the movie, seeding, translating, organize screenings or just be supportive, so I have decided I want to release the next feature also with a creative commons license, and I want you to be able to take part much more, already from the beginning of the production of the movie.
But this time I also want to find “regular” financing, cause I want the team to get paid, and it will be a challenge to both find money and to work with CC. I’m convinced it will work, but I will need you help! To be continued…
So far we have started to work with the script on facebook, where you can contribute with your own personal stories, thoughts and ideas, and soon we will walk into the next phase where you will be able to contribute with different kind of artistic material. But before I would like to know what you would like to do, what your whishes and needs and wants are…? Pease write, and let me know!
Tomorrow I am invited to talk at something called Good morning 2020 - follow at twitter #GM2020, and take a look at the homepage: http://www.amiando.com/gm2020.html This is a conference for entrepreneurs, business-people and new media-people, and it’s about how to be prepared for the future.
Of course I started to think about what to say, and realized that the relationship with you all – not as audience – but as co-creators and co-producers - is the most important thing for me as a director, and I believe my biggest challenge is to create a great space where YOU can create things and invent what’s going to happen.
I will also talk about how you took care of the movie, and how my perspective on creativity, and in fact, the world, has forever changed. Thank you for that!
Hanna and the Granny-team!